
Family and Friends 3 Unit 13 Lesson 5

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  • Why did sailor start to sleep in hammocks?
    Because they were soft and comfortable.
  • Where did the Mayans live?
    They lived in rainforests.
  • Were the hammocks easy to carry?
    Yes, they were.
  • The Mayans often stayed in one place. True or False.
  • Did the Mayans want to carry heavy things?
    No, they didn't
  • Who took hammocks to Europe?
    Christopher Columbus.
  • Why was it difficult to sleep in rainforests?
    Because the weather was hot and there were a lot of bugs.
  • Were the hammocks heavy?
    No, they weren't.
  • What tree did the Mayans use to make hammocks?
    Hamack tree
  • Hammocks were the Mayans' special kind of bed. True or False?
  • Why were hammocks perfect beds for the Mayans?
    Because they weren't on the ground.