
Adjectives + prepositions

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  • What food is typical ... your home country?
    typical OF
  • What city is very similar ... Prague? What city is quite different ... it?
    similar TO different FROM
  • What are small children incapable ...?
    incapable OF
  • What were you last angry ... someone ...?
    angry WITH someone FOR something
  • Are Czech people usually nice ... foreigners or rude ... them?
    nice TO rude TO
  • What are you happy ... ? Who are you happy ....?
    happy WITH something happy FOR someone
  • What are you keen ...? What are you NOT fond ...?
    keen ON fond OF
  • What are you dependent ... and independent ...?
    dependent ON and independent OF
  • What is your fridge usually full ...? What are you usually short ...?
    full OF short OF
  • What subjects were you good ... and bad ... at school?
    good AT ... bad AT...