
adverbs of manner

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  • Jane is a good chef. She .............. fish and chips very .................
    She cooks fish and chips very WELL.
  • Ann is a quiet girl. She ............. / .................... with her dolls.
    She plays QUIETLY with her dolls.
  • Ben is a terrible dancer. He .............................
    He dances TERRIBLY.
  • Polly has got a sad face. Look! She .......... crying .....................
    She is crying SADLY.
  • Carol is a wonderful tennis player. She ............ tennis...............
    She plays tennis WONDERFULLY.
  • Sue is a bad swimmer. She needs help because she .....................
    She swims BADLY.
  • Kevin is a happy boy. He is ........................
    He is smiling HAPPILY.
  • Our cat is very lazy. It .............. on the sofa ................ all day.
    It lies on the sofa LAZILY all day.
  • James is a careful driver. He .............. his lorry................
    He drives his lorry CAREFULLY.
  • Nick is a cruel killer. He kills his ...................... / ......................
    He kills his enemies CRUELLY.
  • Tom is a brave man. He ................. with the dragon ................
    He fights with the dragon BRAVELY.
  • Amy is a serious pupil. She ............... her lessons...................
    She studies her lessons SERIOUSLY.
  • Ann is a regular visitor in the museum. She .............. the museum ..............
    She visits the museum REGULARLY.
  • The exercise is easy. I can do ............................
    I can do the exercise EASILY.