
Complete KEY

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  • Our teacher said we have to t.... an exam next week. I have to l.... the irregular verbs this weekend!
    take, learn
  • We .... (bring) a snack to school tomorrow because my teacher is bringing a cake for her birthday. (have to)
    don't have to bring
  • You .... (give) me my book back before school tomorrow. Don't forget! (have to)
    have to give
  • Mom went to the p.... o.... to send a package to my grandmother.
    post office
  • Mr. Smith isn't happy today. You don't make/Don't make him angrier.
    Don't make
  • My mom .... (work) tomorrow because it's Sunday. (have to)
    doesn't have to work
  • We went to the Prado m.... in Madrid to study art.
  • Look at the t.... of my classes. My first class of the day is English.
  • That's my mobile phone! Touch/Don't touch it!
    Don't touch
  • I .... (decide) to go to bed early last night.
  • My best friend .... (wear) a uniform at her school, but I don't. (have to)
    has to wear
  • My friend and I ... (find) ten euros in the park this morning!
  • It's really hot! To open/Open the window, please.
  • I ..... (meet) a famous person in the street last week.
  • Oh! A snake! Run/You run fast!
  • When I was a child I .... (hate) broccoli but now I love it!
  • You have to s... hard if you want to p... all your exams.
    study, pass
  • Many Christians go to c... on Sundays to pray.
  • My friend is Muslim and he goes to the m... with his family.