
Grade 1: Lesson 5 Listen and Speak

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  • What are you going to do when you get home?
    I'm going to clean the kitchen.
  • What are you going to do after school?
    I'm going to do yoga.
  • What is he going to do there?
    He is going to go fishing.
  • What are you going to do there?
    I'm going to take pictures.
  • What are they going to do at the park?
    They are going to ride a bike.
  • What are they going to do after school?
    They are going to go to a PC bang.
  • What is she going to go do today?
    She is going to go hiking.
  • What is the girl going to do there?
    She is going to go skateboarding.
  • What is she going to do with her friends this weekend?
    She is going to go to a book fair.
  • What are they going to do at the park?
    They are going to play soccer.
  • What is she going to go to do with her dad?
    She is going to go to a baseball game. or She is going to play baseball.
  • What are the boys going to play after school?
    They are going to play basketball.
  • What are they going to do this weekend?
    They are going to go to a concert.
  • What is the dog washer going to do to the dog?
    She is going to wash the dog.
  • What are they going to do here?
    They are going to ride bikes.
  • What class is she going to attend?
    She is going to attend math class.
  • What are they going to go do on Sunday?
    They are going to watch a movie.
  • What is she going to do at the park?
    She is going to walk the dog.
  • What are the women going to do together?
    They are going to go shopping.
  • What is she going to do after dinner?
    She is going to wash the dishes.
  • What is she going to do there?
    She is going to go swimming.