
Money, money, money...

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  • What do you spend money on aside from food, rent, etc.?
  • Have you ever taken out a loan from the bank? Why?
  • Have you, or anyone you know, ever had money stolen? If so, what happened?
  • Have you bought something and then regretted it?
  • Have you ever given money to a charity, like Save the Children or Goodwill?
  • Has an ATM ever "eaten" your bank card? If so, how did you get it back?
  • Does anybody owe you money? Do you owe anybody money?
  • How much money have you spent so far today? What did you spend it on?
  • Have you ever inherited money or property, or something more unusual?
  • Is there anything you'd love to buy but can't afford right now?
  • Have you bought anything nice this week?
  • What kind of things do you normally buy online? Why don't you buy them in a store?
  • Have you, or anyone you know, ever won a lot of money?
  • Is your country expensive to live in right now? What kinds of things are expensive?
  • What's the most expensive thing you've ever bought?
  • Have you ever bought something you couldn't really afford?
  • Do you like finding bargains?
  • When do you prefer to pay by cash, and when do you prefer to pay by credit card?
  • Who usually pays the check when you go to a restaurant?
  • How much do you spend on food and drink every week?