
Be the Teacher!

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  • CORRECT: My cousin sometimes washes the car.
    My cousin never washes the car./My cousin often walks the dog.
  • CORRECT: Students have Music in the computer room.
    Students have Music in the music room./Students have ICT in the computer room.
  • CORRECT: I sometimes tidy up.
    I never tidy up./I often/sometimes walk the dog.
  • CORRECT: My sister never cooks dinner.
    My sister often/always/sometimes cooks dinner.
  • CORRECT: Students have school concerts in the canteen.
    Students have school concerts in the school hall.
  • CORRECT: Students grow vegetables in the library.
    Students grow vegetables in the vegetable garden.
  • CORRECT: My mum sometimes waters the plants.
    My mum never waters the plants./My mum often cooks dinner.
  • CORRECT: I never set the table.
    I often set the table.
  • CORRECT: My dad never feeds my pet.
    My dad sometimes/often/always feeds my pet.
  • CORRECT: Students eat lunch in the gym.
    Stundents eat lunch in the canteen.
  • CORRECT: I often make my bed.
    I never make my bed./I often/sometimes wash up.
  • CORRECT: I sometimes wash the car.
    I never wash the car./I sometimes/often/always water the plants.
  • CORRECT: Students have ICT lessons in the corridor.
    Students have ICT lessons in the computer room.
  • CORRECT: Students play basketball on the football pitch.
    Students play basketball on the basketball court./Students play football on the football pitch.
  • CORRECT: Students leave their bikes in the library.
    Students leave their bikes in the bike stand.