
Food Trivia

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  • Which is the only food that can never go off or go bad?
  • What nutrient comes from meat, eggs, and fish?
  • What is used to make hummus?
  • What is the most expensive spice (by weight) in the world?
  • How much caffeine needs to be taken out of coffee for it to be described as decaffeinated?
    At least 97%
  • Which famous soft drink was invented in 1892?
    Coca Cola
  • What was the first food eaten in space?
    Apple sauce
  • What are the top two most popular spices in the world?
    Pepper and Mustard
  • What two words were combined to make the word ‘Spam’?
    Spiced Ham
  • What does ‘Dorito’ actually mean?
    Dorito is Spanish for ‘little golden things’
  • If you suffer from Mageirocophobia, what are you scared of?
    Mageirocophobia is the fear of cooking
  • What turns a plain martini into a dirty martini?
    Adding olive juice
  • What percentage of peanuts is found in a standard jar of peanut butter?
    Every jar of peanut butter must be at least 90% peanuts
  • Where were French fries invented?
  • What is the hottest part of a chili?
    The flesh at the tip
  • What item of food holds the world record for being the most stolen item of food in the world?