
Present Passive or Past Passive

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  • The presents/usually open/the birthday boy or girl/at their party.
    The presents are usually opened by the birthday boy or girl at their party.
  • This cartoon/watch/audiences/ in over 50 countries.
    This cartoon is/was watched by audiences in over 50 countries.
  • The roses/smell/the girl.
    The roses are/were smelled by the girl.
  • Halloween/celebrate/in autumn.
    Halloween is celebrated in autumn.
  • The presents/open/the children/with great excitement.
    The presents are/were opened by the children with great excitement.
  • The ocean/pollute/oil spills/in the past.
    The ocean was polluted by oil spills in the past.
  • Our river/once pollute/industrial waste from factories.
    Our river was once polluted by industrial waste from factories.
  • The flowers/admire/visitors/garden.
    The flowers are/were admired by visitors in the garden.
  • The classic film/watch/generations of moviegoers.
    The classic film is/was watched by generations of moviegoers.
  • The seeds/plant/the gardener/last week.
    The seeds were planted by the gardener last week.