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  • what is the meaning of "Exoplanet"
    Is a planet outside the Solar System
  • Do you like to watch movies about aliens? Why? / Why not?
  • What does UFO mean?
    Unidentified flying objects
  • what is the meaning of "Martian"
    a creature, usually appearing in films and books, who is believed to come from Mars
  • Are aliens are smarter than humans? Why? / Why not
  • Do you think aliens live on the moon? Why?
  • Where do you think the idea of aliens from outer space came from?
  • What is your favorite movie about aliens?
  • Do you think we will discover aliens in your lifetime?
  • Do you think aliens would prefer to communicate with us or other species?
  • If aliens visited Earth for a week, what do you think they should see to fully understand us and our achievements?
  • What would you do if you saw a UFO in a field near your house?
  • Should countries spend more money to look for aliens? Why? / Why not?
  • what is the meaning of "Extra-terrestrial life"?
    Is hypothetical life which may occur outside of Earth and which did not originate on Earth.
  • Why do you think aliens in movies and comic books generally have a human shape and eyes?
  • Do you think aliens might live on Mars? Why? / Why not?
  • What do you think of people who say they have met or were kidnapped by aliens?
  • If an alien visited Earth, what would it say about our planet and people when it returned home?