
Idiom review

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  • egg on their face
    feel embarrased
  • drew a blank
  • A for effort
    recognition for doing your best
  • a piece of cake
  • the school of hard knocks
    Daily life experiences
  • back to the salt mines
    back to work
  • bringing home the bacon
    earning money
  • Buckle down
    Quit messing around
  • cat's pajamas
    the best of something
  • couch potato
    lazy person
  • good egg
    good person
  • bread and butter
    main source of income
  • apple of her eye
    a special person, place or item
  • have her nose in a book
    read a book
  • wild goose chase
    an unsuccessful search
  • All your ducks in a row
    being prepared and organized
  • raining cats and dogs
    raining very hard
  • pick your brain
    Ask you questions to find out all you know about something
  • top dog
    the most important person
  • in a nutshell
    in a few words
  • spill the beans
    tell a secret
  • cat nap
    sleep for a short while
  • Hit the books
    Start studying hard
  • on the right track
    doing what you need to do to meet your goals.
  • in a pickle
    in trouble