
Highlights of the year

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  • your number one goal for next year
  • favourite place you have visited this year
  • event that had a big impact on you
  • one new skill you learned this year
  • one new thing you tried this year
  • your favouriute photo on your phone
  • biggest problem you solved this year
  • pick 3 words to desribe this past year
  • a place you want to visit next year
  • best meal you had this year
  • best dessert you tried this year
  • your word of the year for next year
  • advice you want to give yourself for next year
  • best film you watched this year
  • new skill you want to learn next year
  • funniest thing that happened to you this year
  • favourite song of the year
  • something you want to do for someone next year
  • the best gift you received this year
  • favourite series of the year
  • something that made you belly laugh this yeah
  • most important lesson you learned