
Atomic structure Basic

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  • Define atom-3 points
    Basic unit of matter smallest particle of an element can be divided into protons, neutrons and electrons.
  • What are the building blocks of matter?
  • neutron-location and charge
    the particle with no charge; located in the nucleus
  • What does the periodic table contain?
    a chart where all the elements are organised into periods and groups according to their properties
  • Protons-location and charge
    positively charged particle located in the nucleus of an atom
  • What is atomic number?
    the number of protons in the nucleus which gives the identity of the element
  • What gives an atom its mass?
    its nucleus
  • Where are electrons found?
    they orbit around the nucleus
  • Which part of the atom is the most dense?
  • How do you calculate Mass number?
    add protons and nutrons
  • What is an electron?
    negatively charged particle that orbits the nucleus of an atom.It has negligible mass.
  • How do scientists identify an element?
    by its proton number
  • Where is the nucleus located in the atom?
    The center core of an atom that contains the protons and neutrons
  • What are the 3 subatomic particles in an atom?
    protons, electrons and neutrons
  • A balanced (neutral charged) atom has equal numbers of ____ and _____
    protons and electrons