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  • Play air guitar for 2 minutes straight.
  • Pretend to be a food item of your choice.
  • Say two honest things about five people in the group.
  • Yell out the first word that comes to your mind.
  • Eat a snack without using your hands.
  • Tell the group two truths and a lie, and they have to guess which one the lie is.
  • Howl like a wolf for a minute.
  • Dance without music for two minutes.
  • Attempt the first TikTok dance on your for you page.
  • Smile as widely as you can and hold it for two minutes.
  • Eat a raw piece of garlic.
  • Say something pleasant to the person on your left.
  • Try to put your whole fist in your mouth.
  • Put your clothing on backwards for an hour.
  • Do 30 squats.
  • Try and make the group laugh as quickly as possible.
  • Let someone else tickle you and try not to laugh.
  • Fill your mouth with drink and gargle the name of the person closest to you.
  • Try to lick your elbow.
  • Repeat everything the person on your right is saying until it's your turn again.
  • Read out the last text you sent.
  • Give a foot/shoulder massage to the person on your right.
  • Say everything in a whisper for the next 10 minutes.
  • Try to juggle 3 things of the group's choice.
  • Talk in an American accent for the rest of the evening.
  • Pretend to be the person to your right for 10 minutes.
  • Put as many snacks into your mouth at once as you can.