
1 ENTERTAINMENT UpperInt Outcomes

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  • ....yourself means to change your appearance so that people will not recognise you because you look very different
    to disguise
  • .... is a problem or difficulty that stops you from going somewhere or from achieving what you are trying to do
    an obstacle ;)))
  • something that is .... is about a person’s private life
  • if something is ....., it is done in the usual way and is not at all new or different
  • if something is ....., it is so extreme that it seems silly
  • ...... is the action of doing something harmful or bad to someone because you think they did something bad or harmful to you
  • ..... is an action or something that someone does. People usually use the word ... when they are making a judgement about whether something was a good or bad action
    a deed
  • .......tune, slogan, phrase etc. is one that is very easy to remember
  • you use ... to say that a two-part statement can be expressed in either order. For example, “what is art is beautiful and ....” means that it is also true that “what is beautiful is art”
    vice versa
  • Something that is ..... makes you feel worried or upset
  • if something is ......, its meaning is not clear and it could be understood in more than one way
    ambiguous ;)))
  • .... is something valuable that you get because you have done something well or done something helpful for someone
    a reward ;)))
  • if you ..... a crime or with doing something wrong, you are not caught and don’t get punished for it
    get away with
  • .... your power, authority, or rights means to behave in a way that shows you have that power, authority, or right and that you intend to use it
    to assert
  • If something is.... it is related to business or making money. When you say music or a film is ....., you’re suggesting that it isn’t very good because it was only made in order to make money and quality was not a major consideration
  • if something is ....., it is extremely exciting
    gripping ;)))
  • ....colours are very bright and catch your attention very quickly. In books and magazines, ... letters are slightly thicker and look darker than the other letters so that they catch your attention easily
  • something that is ..... makes you feel happy and full of hope