
Book 5 - Lesson 18

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  • 3-The phone is ringing. Answer it.
    -Oxford, 26431, Cambridge Hotel. Good morning.
  • 10-Let your caller know you couldn't understand his/her name.
    -Sorry. I didn't catch your name.
  • 6-Tell the caller your boss isn't in the office.
    -I'm sorry, he/she is not here at the moment.
  • 2-Ask for your caller's name.
    -Who's calling, please?
  • 4-Ask the switchboard operator to connect you with someone.
    -Could you put me though to... please?
  • 7-Give the caller the number of the Personnel office.
    -It's extension 291.
  • 5-Ask when the person you want to speak to will be available.
    -When can I reach him/her?
  • 9-Name the person you want to speak to.
    -May I speak to... please?
  • 8-Ask the caller to wait.
    -Hold the line, please.
  • 11-Ask if the caller wants to leave some information for someone.
    -May I take a message?
  • 12-End the call politely.
    -Thank you for calling. Goodbye.
  • 1- The caller asks for you. Indicate that you're on the line.