
1-MN (2) p.247

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  • old buffer
  • funny business
    обман, нечистое дело
  • buffer
    ДУРАЧОК(диал), собака(разг), буфер
  • He looked ________ as if he was a _____________ in the middle of some funny business.
    fishy / coiner
  • grate
  • comings and goings
    what lets you in and out across borders
  • fishy
  • While they were creeping through the tunnel under the roof they were stepping on _______ until they reached the _________ full of dusty piles of garbage.
    rafters / box-room
  • There was a __________ leading to the living space.
  • ‘I couldn’t expect two youngsters like you to find it much fun talking to an ________ like me’, he said.
    old buffer
  • When children set off to enter the haunted house next door they couldn’t think of any adventure with ____________ between the worlds.
    comings and goings
  • They went down the ladder and found themselves in a dark room with a fire burning in the __________.