
Break, break, break the fast.

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  • Mention an option for breakfast that includes at least 3 food groups.
    eggs+bread+milk (or fruit)
  • What is this? Something that you can eat for breakfast but that was not precisely made for breakfast.
  • Drawbacks of skipping breakfast
    weight gain lack of concentration lower metabolism
  • a vitamin present in oranges, kiwifruit, lemons...
    vitamin C
  • What percentage of our daily nutrients should breakfast give us? 75% , 25% , 5% ?
  • a nutrient present mainly in meats and dairy products
  • Why is it necessary to read the labels of cereal or bars ?
    They could have added sugar.
  • Why is it advisable for kids to have breakfast?
    alert, better performance at school, fewer behavioral problems.
  • Why is it unhealthy to eat too much sugar?
    cavities weight gain empty calories
  • Mention 3 tips to give to people who skip breakfast
    get up earlier prepare your breakfast at night there are leftovers grab and take
  • It is a nutrient present in most food but especially in fruits and vegetables.
  • Why does skipping breakfast lead to weight gain?
    metabolism lowers and you tend to eat more during the day
  • What is this food? A great source of protein, calcium and adds a twist to your breakfast...
  • Mention 3 excuses people give for not having breakfast
    no time I don't like it I don't feel like it (tummy ache)
  • a mineral present in dairy products
  • a mineral that helps blood to transport oxygen