
past simple (regular verbs + verb to be)

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  • She ______ her passport. (grab)
    She grabbed her passport.
  • They ______ their suitcase. (not/pack)
    They didn´t pack their suitcase.
  • We ______ around the world. (travel)
    We travelled around the world.
  • Simon ______ the film. (not/enjoy)
    Simon didn´t enjoy the film.
  • Where ______ he at the weekend? (be)
    Where was he at the weekend?
  • Jane _______ on holiday with Peter. (not/be)
    Jane wasn´t on holiday with Peter.
  • They _____ at a theme park. (be)
    They were at a theme park.
  • Where were you yesterday?
    Your own answer.
  • The plane _____ on the runway. (not/land)
    The plane didn´t land on the runway.
  • The passenger ______ his rucksack. (not/ pick up)
    The passenger didn´t pick up his rucksack.
  • He ______ the e-mails. (check)
    He checked the e-mails.
  • Were you at home yesterday? (X)
    No, I wasn´t.
  • My brothers _____ the car. (wash)
    My brothers washed the car.
  • I ______ at the traffic lights. (stop)
    I stopped at the traffic lights.
  • Were Paul and Rebecca ill last week? (✔)
    Yes, they were.
  • Was Phillip hungry? (✔)
    Yes, he was.