
High School Context Clues

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  • What does aroma mean? While watching TV, I noticed a wonderful aroma coming from the kitchen. I then realized my mom was making my favorite soup.
  • What does tedious mean? My teacher made a tedious 45-minute speech. The whole class fell asleep.
  • What is a synonym for the word essential? As a fighter pilot, he knows that good vision is essential.
    Critical; necessary; significant; important
  • I couldn't comprehend the teacher's detailed instructions. What does comprehend mean?
  • What is the opposite of reveal? She shared a video of the gender reveal on her Instagram.
    Hide; conceal; keep secret
  • Mothers always try to amuse their children. They make funny faces, give them toys, and put on videos to keep them from crying. The word amuse means:
    Entertain; cheer up
  • Everyone contributed something to the food drive. Ana and her family donated a large bag of canned goods. The word contributed means:
  • What does essential mean? You must never explore a cave by yourself. It is essential for you to go with at least one other person.
    Very important
  • What does vacant mean? No one lived in the old house. The paint was peeling and the yard was overgrown. It had been vacant for a long time.
  • Marco excels at many sports. He scored 16 goals this soccer season and won a medal for swimming at the state tournament. The word excels means:
    To be very good at
  • Marty's dilemma was that he couldn't decide what college to attend. The word dilemma means:
  • Haley remembered when she had just two pairs of shoes. Now, her closet holds a plethora of shoes in almost every color and every style. The word plethora means:
    A large amount
  • What does attentive mean? Amelia rarely paid attention in class. By contrast, her best friend Tasha was always very attentive and listened carefully to everything the teacher said.
  • What does reveal mean? Jenny told me about the movie she saw, but she did not reveal the ending because she knew I would see it too.
    Tell; disclose