
Review Primary 5

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  • I like to play ... (egrang)
    walking on stilts
  • Lois ... plays badminton in the afternoon. (0%)
  • between pedicab, bus and taxi, which vehicles is the cheapest to travel from Kudus to Jepara?
  • This water transportation can go underwater.
    A submarine
  • How can you keep your body healthy?
    eat healthy food, do enough sport
  • What is your suggestion?
    Exp: He shouldn't eat spicy food.
  • Hot air balloon, helicopter, glider are the examples of... Transportation.
    Air transportation
  • When did the invention of the steam engine?
    in the 1700s
  • How many wheels are on a pedicab?
    Three wheels
  • In this traditional game, you have to walk using pole of bamboo sticks. This is called ...
    walking on stilts
  • Two player hold the rope and the others jump over it. it is ...
    jump rope / skipping rope
  • I like playing....
  • Mention 3 common sicknesses
    Cough, flu, stomachache, headache, etc
  • How do you keep your teeth clean and healthy
    go to the dentist regularly, brush our teeth everyday
  • He... brush his teeth. That's why he often get toothache.
    Rarely, seldom, never
  • Correct or not: Bus can carry the most passengers of all vehicles.
  • What do you think is the importance of transportation?
    So that people and their goods can go to another place faster.
  • You are so tired that you take a _______ at night so you can easily go to _______ in your bed. Unfortunately, you forgot to ________ your teeth.
    bath, sleep, brush
  • Mention three board games
    Exp: chess, snake and ladder, monopoly, halma
  • I... pray to God. I never forget to do it in the morning and afternoon.
  • Which one is faster? Bicycle or motorcycle.
    Motorcycle is faster than bicycle.
  • What's the matter with you?
    I've got a toothache
  • Mention 3 traditional games!
    Exp: hopscotch, hide and seek, tug of war, walking on stilts
  • Mention 3 water transportation without engine!
    Raft, canoe, sailing ship
  • What is transportation?
    the method people use to move themselves and their goods from place to place
  • Complete the dialogue: Andi:" Hi, Toni. Do you like playing hide and seek? " Toni: "__________. Let's play in the field."
    Yes, I do
  • He likes playing....
    Spinning top
  • My brother and I usually ... TV together in the afternoon.
  • I ... pray everyday. (100%)
  • What transportation is it? Land, water or air?