
Blizzard Of The Blue Moon Vocabulary Quiz Chapte ...

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  • If you use something wisely are you
    wild and crazy
    funny, but sad
    careful and thoughtful
    lazy but careful
  • If you 'treasure' something you ________.
    think it is a bit boring
    are happy because it is very shiny
    want to play with it
    love it and take good care of it
  • If you 'wander' do you walk away from somewhere or walk towards it?
    You walk away from somewhere.
  • Is something 'on public display' in a place where people can see it easily, or hidden in a safe place?
    It's in a place where people can see it.
  • If you 'follow' someone, do they go first, or you do you first?
    They go first.
  • If something is 'vast' is it very big or very small?
    It's very big.
  • Is 'nightfall' the same as sunrise or sunset?
    It's the same as sunset.
  • If you are 'under a spell' someone ___________.
    gives you magic powers
    controls you
    buys you a hamburger
    does your homework for you
  • If you 'trudge' do you run lightly and easily or walk heavily and a bit slowly?
    You walk heavily and a bit slowly.
  • Is the black part of this video a ___________.
    chocolate ice cream
    silly person
  • If you have to 'coax' something, is it likely to be a bit scared or very excited?
    It's likely to be a bit scared.
  • If you 'shiver' you are __________.
  • If something is 'old-fashioned' is it like something new, or like something old?
    It's like something old.
  • If something 'borders' a place, is it right next to it, or in front of it?
    It's right next to it.