
Chores guessing game

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  • The house is a mess.
    Tidy up
  • What do you do in the evening?
    I _____________ in the evening.
  • What is this?
    Wash up
  • What do you do in the afternoon?
    I _______________ in the afternoon.
  • We are going to have dinner.
    Lay the table
  • The dog is hungry
    Feed the dog
  • What is this?
    Feed the dog
  • The dishes are dirty
    wash up
  • The rubbish bin is full.
    Take out the rubbish
  • What is this?
    Take out the rubbish
  • What is this?
    Lay the table
  • What is this?
    Make the bed
  • What do you do in the morning?
    I ______________ in the morning.
  • What is this?
    Tidy up
  • The plants are not green.
    water the plants
  • What is this?
    Water the plants