
All Units English Review

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  • Choose the correct preposition of time to fill in the blank: She goes to work ________ 9am to 5pm.
  • What does the phrase "gonna" mean?
    Going to
  • What does the word "routine" mean?
    Something that you do everyday or often
  • Choose the correct preposition of time to fill in the blank: She goes to school _____ 9:30am.
  • Which of the following words does not fit in with the rest: Mango, Apple, Orange, Banana, Juice
  • What days of the week do we call the "weekend"?
    Saturday and Sunday
  • What do we call the doctor for your teeth?
  • Name a breakfast food.
    Eggs, cereal, fruit...
  • What do we call the people who take our order at a restaurant?
    A waiter or waitress
  • When is the following taking place? She is cleaning her apartment.
    Right now (present continuous)
  • Give an example of "chores."
    Doing the laundry, going shopping, cleaning...
  • Say a sentence in the present simple tense with the subject "she"
    Answers vary
  • Which of the following words does not fit in with the rest: Coffee, Milk, Beef, Tea, Juice
  • What part of the body do we use to hear?
  • What part of the body do you use to smell?
  • What do we call the doctor for children?
  • Say a sentence in the present continuous with the verb "dance"
    Answers vary
  • Say a sentence in the present continuous with the verb "cook"
    answers vary
  • What is the plural of foot?
  • When is the following taking place? She is going to make pasta for dinner tonight.
  • Say a sentence in the future tense using the verb "clean"
    answers vary
  • What word means the same thing as pain?
  • What is a health problem that you can get from touching a fire?
  • What do we call the health problem that makes our body temperature hot?
  • Name the health problem that gives you itchy red spots on your skin?
    Chicken Pox
  • Say a sentence in the future tense using the verb "drive"
    Answers vary
  • Name a dessert food.
    Cake, ice cream, cookies...
  • Give an example of a "celebration."
    Birthday, Wedding, Graduation, Anniversary...
  • What do we call the health problem that makes it difficult to breath?
  • When is the following taking place? She is going to travel to Costa Rica next year.
    Future Tense
  • What remedy do we use for asthma?
    An inhaler
  • What does the word "patient" mean?
    A sick person at the hospital
  • What is another word for beverage?
  • Name a fruit.
    Apple, orange, mango, lemon...
  • What part of the body do we use to see?
    Our eyes!