
English as a global Language

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  • Which language might take over if English ceases to be a "global language"?
    Chinese, due to China's ascension in the past years
  • What does "lingua franca" mean?
    A language that is used as a bridge for communication for two people or groups who do not share a common native language
  • How can we assess English´s status as a global language?
    1) number of first language speakers 2) wide geographical area 3) stable political and economic affairs
  • What is a Language takovers?
    It is a question of power. Languages of the most powerful groups tend to take over.
  • What are the disadvantages of a common language?
    Cultural loss and loss of personal identity
  • What are the main reasons for language death?
    Imperialism; increased communication makes people look for a lingua franca
  • Why is English so popular?
    Media, economic imperialism, the reach of the British Empire has led to many nations adopting English as either a first or as a second language
  • How old is English?
    It dates back to the 5th century when the Anglo-Saxons started imposing their culture in Britain. Scandinavian and Norman (French) invaders from the 8th and 9t
  • Why are there so many languages in the world?
    People´s backgrounds and surroundings are the main inspiration for the creation of words. , since it varies, so many different languages were developed 
  • In which ways does English dominate the world? (name 4)
    3/4 of the world's mail, half scientific journals, half newspapers, 80% of information stored in computers, air and sea traffic, movies, songs and businesses
  • True or false? A language becomes global because of its structural properties, vocabulary size, vehicle of great literature and association with great cultures and religion.
    False. These do not even guarantee language survival
  • What are the advantages of a common language?
    More communication and integration; trade and control are facilitated
  • The world has about 7000 languages, How many native English speakers are there? How many non-native English speakers?
    375 million native speakers. 1,5 billion non-native speakers.
  • Why does Crystal shun the concept of Standart English?
    many speakers from such distinct places, new varieties will arise. Thus, there is no "standard English" that should be adopted by all, but different varieties.
  • Name 5 of the most widely spoken languages in the world.
    Mandarin Chinese, English, Spanish, Hindi, Arabic, bengali, Russian, Portuguese, Japanese, German