
Conflict Scenarios

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  • Your friend broke your laptop, but hasn't offered to pay for it. How would you handle the situation?
    Student choice
  • Your brother/sister took your clothes without asking. They spilled food all over it and ruined it. What would you do?
    (Student choice)
  • Your friend revealed your secret to others, now everyone knows. What would you do?
    Student choice
  • Your parents are upset that you never help clean the house and are yelling at you. What would you do?
    Student choice
  • Your friend is mad that you didnt send them a "happy birthday" message on their birthday. What would you do?
    Student choice
  • Who do you have a strained relationship with?
    Student choice
  • You canceled your order online, but the company still delivered the package. They want you to pay the return shipping fee even though they delivered it after you canceled your order. What would you do?
    Student choice
  • Who is the hardest person to confront for you?
    Student choice
  • You paid for all the gas on a road trip, and your friend didnt even offer to pay for some. You're angry with your friend. How would handle the situation?
    Student choice
  • Whats the silliest reason you've had an argument/conflict with a friend?
    Student choice
  • Your friend posted a photo on Instagram, but you dont like the way you look and want them to take it down. What would you do?
    Student choice
  • What is an issue you dont see eye to eye on with others?
    Student choice
  • Who have you held a grudge against the longest?
    Student Choice
  • Your teammate is constantly late getting their work done, making things harder for you. How would you confront them?
    Student choice
  • A friend often makes fun of you and goes over the line, but says "it's just a joke". How could you confront them?
    Student choice
  • Who is someone who rubs you the wrong way?
    Student choice