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  • Tap water is usually added a nutrient, what is it?
  • What are empty calories?
    Food or drinks with empty calories have got a lot of calories and few nutrients.
  • How long can we survive without water?
    2 or 3 days
  • Give 2 tips for somebody who doesn't drink enough water
    Drink water at each meal. Carry a water bottle. Add lemon to the water. Dilute some fruit juice.
  • Is the percentage of water in babies higher than in adults?
  • What is more nutrient dense, orange juice or a soda?
    Orange juice
  • Mention 4 signs of dehydration
    Thirst, dark color in the urine, lack of concentration, headaches, dizziness
  • If you exercise, when should you drink fluids?
    Before, during and after physical activity.
  • Which has more empty calories: a soda or milk?
    a soda
  • What is a nutrient dense product?
    a food that has a lot of nutrients in comparison to the number of calories.
  • How many grams of sugar has a teaspoon of sugar got?
    4 grams
  • Mention two ways in which our body loses water.
    breathing, urine, waste disposal, sweating.
  • What is a serving size?
    a standard amount of food or drink that is used as the basis for the information on the label.
  • Mention at least two functions of water in our body.
    Helps dispose of waste in the body. Protects organs and joints. Maintains the body temperature.
  • In what food can you find a high percentage of water?
    Milk, juice, tea, coffee, sparkling water, diet sodas Fruits and vegetables Broth and soups