
5th Social Studies

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  • What group did Columbus actually meet instead of Indians?
    Native Americans
  • In 1492, what country did Columbus think he had reached instead of America?
  • How many boats did Columbus bring with him?
  • What explorer was welcomed by the Aztecs?
    Hernan Cortés
  • Who were the first explorer to sail all around the world?
    Magallanes and Elcano
  • What empire in South America built beautiful cities like Macchu Pichu and had a complex road system?
    Incan Empire
  • Which direction did Columbus think it would be quicker to cross the Atlantic Ocean to reach Asia?
  • What was the name of the king of the Aztec people?
    Montezuma II
  • He worked with his father in what kind of shops?
    Wool and cheese
  • In what year did Columbus sail the ocean blue?
    In 1492
  • What explorer conquerd the Incan Empire in 1533?
    Francisco Pizarro
  • In what country was Christopher Columbus born?
  • What did Columbus promise to bring back Isabel and Fernando from Asia?
    Gold and spices