
Asking for a help

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  • ASKING: take out the rubbish
    Can you take out the rubbish, please?
  • OFFER: to make breakfast
    Can I help you to make a breakfast? / Do you need any help with a breakfast?
  • ASKING: to decorate the house
    Can you help me to decorate the house, please? / Can you decorate the house, please?
  • ASKING: to clear the table
    Can you help me to clean the table, please? / Can you clean the table, please?
  • ASKING: feed the dog/cat
    Can yoo help me to feed the dog/cat, please? / Can you feed the dog/cat, please?
  • ASKING: to wash the car
    Can you help me to wash the car, please? / Can you wash the car, please?
  • OFFER: to wash the dishes
    Can I help you to wash the dishes? / Do you need some help with a dishes?
  • ASKING: to load the dishwasher
    Can you help me to load the dishwasher, please? / Can you load the dishwasher, please?
  • OFFER: to water the plants
    Can I help you to water the plants? / Do you need any help with a plants?
  • OFFER: to tidy up your room
    Can I help you to tidy up your room? / Do you need any help with cleaning?
  • OFFER: to hang out the washing
    Can I help you to hangout the washing? / Do you need any help with a washing?
  • OFFER: help you with your homework
    Can I help you with your homework? / Do you need any help with a homework?