
Halloween Idioms

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  • Wouldn't say boo to a goose.
    A shy or nervous person.
  • To spill your guts.
    To confess everything.
  • Ghost town.
    A deserted place where there are few or no people.
  • Graveyard shift.
    A work shift that happens overnight.
  • To be scared stiff.
    To get so scared you're not able to move.
  • Scaredy cat.
    Someone who is easily frightened.
  • To scare the pants off someone
    To frighten someone a lot.
  • Stabbed in the back.
    To be betrayed by a friend or colleague.
  • Drop dead gorgeous.
    Someone very good looking.
  • Skeleton crew
    The smallest number of people needed for a business to operate.
  • Over my dead body.
    To refuse to do something.
  • In cold blood.
    To do something deliberately in a ruthless manner.
  • To smell a rat.
    To suspect that something wrong or dishonest is happening.
  • To dig one's grave
    To be responsible for one's downfall or ruin. It's a way of expressing that you've made a big mistake.
  • Like a bat out of hell.
    To move extremely quick without thought or in a panic.
  • Skeleton in the closet/cupboard.
    To have an embarrassing secret about your past.
  • Playing devil's advocate.
    To present the other side of an argument even though you don't personally support it.
  • A snowball's chance in hell
    There's no chance at all.
  • Night owl.
    A person who tends to stay up late.
  • To make someone's blood boil.
    To make someone very angry.
  • Witch hunt.
    To unfairly seek to damage others, perhaps because of a false view of their beliefs.