
Conversation Starters: Open-Ended Questions

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  • Where is your favorite place you've been? What is special about this place?
    Answers will vary!
  • What is a memory that you will never forget? What happened? Why will you remember it?
    Answers will vary!
  • Do you think aliens exist? Why or why not?
    Answers will vary!
  • Would you ever move to a new country? Why or why not? Which country?
    Answers will vary!
  • What is your favorite thing to do? Why do you love doing this?
    Answers will vary!
  • What superpower would you choose? What would you do with this power?
    Answers will vary!
  • What is something you would like to try? Why would you like to try it?
    Answers will vary!
  • What would you buy if you won $1,000,000? Would you share the money? Why or why not?
    Answers will vary!
  • What always makes you laugh? Why is it so funny to you?
    Answers will vary!
  • If your life were a book, what would you title it? What would you name the chapters?
    Answers will vary!
  • Who is the nicest person you know? What do they do that is nice?
    Answers will vary!
  • What is the strangest food you know about? Would you eat it? Why or why not?
    Answers will vary!
  • Can you remember any of your dreams? What happened in one of them?
    Answers will vary!
  • If you could send everyone in the world a message, what would you say? Why?
    Answers will vary!
  • What is something that really annoys you? Why is it so annoying to you?
    Answers will vary!
  • Who is your favorite celebrity? Why do you like them?
    Answers will vary!
  • What is your favorite time of day? What do you like about this time?
    Answers will vary!
  • Have you ever broken a bone? If so, what happened?
    Answers will vary!
  • Which country would you like to visit the most? Why would you like to visit this country?
    Answers will vary!
  • What makes a person a hero? Who are some of your heroes?
    Answers will vary!
  • How can you make other people feel happy? What makes you feel happy?
    Answers will vary!
  • If animals could talk, what do you think they would say? Why do you think so?
    Answers will vary!
  • Would you ever go to outer space? Why or why not?
    Answers will vary!
  • Which food do you think is the healthiest? Why do you think so?
    Answers will vary!
  • How can you make the world a better place? What can you do about it today?
    Answers will vary!
  • What will you do tomorrow? When will you do it? Why?
    Answers will vary!
  • If people didn't need to sleep every night, how do you think the world would change?
    Answers will vary!
  • Where is your favorite place? Why is it special to you?
    Answers will vary!
  • What would change if people didn't have to eat? What would be the same?
    Answers will vary!
  • What is the last thing you bought? Why did you buy it?
    Answers will vary!
  • Do you believe in ghosts? Why or why not?
    Answers will vary!
  • Who is someone you love very much? What do you love about them?
    Answers will vary!
  • What is something that you are scared to try? Why are you scared to try this?
    Answers will vary!
  • What makes you feel the happiest? Why does it make you happy?
    Answers will vary!
  • What is the hardest thing you've ever had to do? How did you feel after you did it?
    Answers will vary!
  • What is the most fun you've ever had? Who were you with? When was this?
    Answers will vary!
  • What is your earliest memory? What happened? Who were you with?
    Answers will vary!
  • What makes you feel bored? What would make it less boring?
    Answers will vary!
  • What is something that makes you mad? Why does it make you angry?
    Answers will vary!
  • What is your favorite movie genre? Why do you like this genre?
    Answers will vary!
  • Who is someone you wish you could see more often? Why don't you see them very often now?
    Answers will vary!
  • What would a perfect day be like for you?
    Answers will vary!
  • What is the best gift you've ever received? Who gave it to you? What was it?
    Answers will vary!
  • What is your dream job? Why would you like this job?
    Answers will vary!
  • What is something you are proud of? Why are you proud of this?
    Answers will vary!
  • If you could become any animal, which animal would you become? Why this animal?
    Answers will vary!
  • Where is the farthest from home you've ever gone? Why did you go there?
    Answers will vary!
  • What is your favorite app? Why do you like it?
    Answers will vary!
  • Who is someone you admire? What do you like about them?
    Answers will vary!
  • What is something that you like that many people don't like? Why do you like it?
    Answers will vary!
  • What is something that you can't live without? Why is it so important to you?
    Answers will vary!
  • Do you collect anything? If so, what do you collect? If not, is there anything you would like to collect?
    Answers will vary!
  • What is something that amazes you? What is so amazing about it?
    Answers will vary!
  • What is something that you wish you had? Why do you want it?
    Answers will vary!
  • What is something kind you did today? Who were you kind to?
    Answers will vary!
  • What do you think is the biggest problem in the world now? Why is it a problem? How can we solve it?
    Answers will vary!
  • Would you rather be blind (unable to see) or deaf (unable to hear)? Why?
    Answers will vary!
  • What are you thankful for? Why are you thankful for this?
    Answers will vary!
  • If you could travel trough time, would you go to the past or future? Why?
    Answers will vary!
  • What makes someone a good friend? How are you a good friend to others?
    Answers will vary!
  • What do you think life will be like in 100 years? What do you think will be the same or different?
    Answers will vary!
  • What is your favorite school subject? What is your least favorite subject? Why?
    Answers will vary!
  • What do you think is the greatest invention in human history? What makes it the greatest?
    Answers will vary!
  • Could you live without the internet? Why or why not?
    Answers will vary!