
Business English

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  • "Small companies cannot offer employees opportunities for promotion."
  • "It is impossible for young people to find a (good) job today without help from someone."
  • "Technology has changed business methods to the detriment of human relations."
  • "Companies become more efficient as they grow in size."
  • "It is dishonest for companies to avoid paying income tax in the countries where they are established."
  • "Men and women are not always treated equally in the workplace. Women often face discrimination."
  • "In the future most companies will be online companies. There will be fewer offices and more call centres."
  • "There is more creativity in multinational companies than in small firms."
  • "Self-employment is more stimulating than working for a large organisation."
  • "Social networks have rapidly become communication tools for many companies. They will be further developed for business in the future."
  • "Qualifications are more important today than ever before."
  • "It is impossible to have a successful career and a happy family life. You have to choose one or the other."
  • "It doesn't matter whether you enjoy your job or not as long as it's a well-paid job."