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  • You should follow the s__________ i______________and know where is e___________ e________
    safety instruction, emergency exit
  • You can pick your b______at the b________ c_____________after the flight
    bags, baggage carousel, flight
  • Passengers go to the plane from the d_________ l________ through the g____
    Departure lounge, gate
  • A plane t______ o____ from the d_________ l______, a plane l_____ and the passengers go to the a___________l____
    Takes off, DEPARTURE LOUNGE, lands, arrival lounge
  • The c________ c______________are very friendly everywhere in the e__________ and b_________ classes
    Cabin crew, economy, business
  • In a_________ t__________ you should go to the c______ __ __________ to change a ticket to a b_________ p________
  • The turbulence feels worse in the a___________s_________, you need to f_________the b________
    aisle seat, fasten the belt
  • In the c_____________ you show your face and your a______ passport. after that you p________ through the metal d__________
  • If you have a w___________s____________, you can enjoy the p________v_________from the window
    window seat, picturesque view
  • You can put your h________l__________ in the top locker, while the main things will be left at the b___________ d______ off
    hand luggage, baggage drop off
  • When a p_________ l____________, passengers go to the a__________ l__________
    plane lands, arrival lounge
  • They had o________ c__________and went through s_________ c________
    online check -in, security check
  • The f___________-a____________will s___________the c__________ aboard
    flight attendant, serve the customers
  • Passengers can wait at the VIP lounge if there is a f________ d________ at the a________ t__________
    Flight Delay, AIRPORT TERMINAL
  • A p_________is full in the h_____ s_________of travelling.
    plane, high season
  • You will change a ticket to the b___________p________at the c______ in d________, after you go to to the p___________c_____
    ticket, boarding pass, check in desk, passport control
  • The f_________ a____________will tell you the s__________i______________
    flight attendant, safety instruction
  • You should leave your b_____________at the b__________ d________ o____
    bags, baggae drop-off