
Believe It or Not

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  • I know it's hard to believe, but I've never ...
  • You may not believe this, but I've ...
  • You won't believe this, but I've met ...
  • You may not believe this, but I've been to...
  • Would you believe, I've never had ...
  • Believe it or not, I've always been good at ...
  • Believe it or not, I've had ...
  • You won't believe this, but I've worked ...
  • I know it's hard to believe, but I've seen ...
  • This may seem hard to believe, but I've never liked ...
  • This may seem hard to believe, but I've taken part in ...
  • You'll never believe this, but I've visited ...
  • You'll find this hard to believe, but I've always been interested in ...
  • You may not believe this, but I've never been to ...
  • As amazing as it sounds, I've never made ...
  • Would you believe, I've never been able to ...
  • You'll never believe this, but I've always liked ...
  • This may sound unbelievable, but I've ridden ...
  • You may not believe me, but I've never tried ...
  • Believe it or not, I've woken up ...