
Science UNIT 1

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  • Information collected by the receptors are called...
  • Name the three types of joints.
    Fixed, Semi-Flexible and Flexible
  • Name the 2 parts of the neuron.
    Dendrite and axon
  • What are the parts of the nervous system?
    Brain, Spinal Cord, Nerves
  • Where do the receptors pass the information collected?
    Nervous system
  • Name all five different senses in the body.
    Sight, Smell, Touch, Hearing, Taste
  • What do you call the nerve for the sense of smell?
    Olfactory Nerve
  • Name the 3 parts of the brain
    Cerebrum, Cerebellum, and Brain Stem
  • Receptors in the eye is found in the...
  • This part of the brain controls movement, balance and coordination
  • Where can you find the receptor cells in the nose?
  • What do call the bones that connect 2 bones?
  • The nerve for the sense of sight is called. ...
    Optic Nerve
  • What do you call the effectors in our body?
    Musculoskeletal system
  • The nerve for the sense of touch is called...
    Sensory Nerves
  • What part of the nervous system controls the reflexes?
    Spinal Cord
  • Brain Stem controls...
    Involuntary Actions
  • When our central nervous system receives the stimulus, it tells out body how to...
  • What do you call the specialised cells in the sense organ that collect information?
  • Musculoskeletal system is made up of...
    Skeleton and Bones
  • Name 2 stimulus of the sense of touch
    Pressure, texture, heat and pain
  • What is an example of a Cardiac Muscle?
  • What are the 3 types of muscles?
    Skeletal, Smooth and Cardiac muscles
  • The receptor cells in the tongue are found in the..
    Taste buds
  • Where are the receptors in the skin?
  • What do you call the nerve for the sense of hearing?
    Auditory nerve
  • True or False, Nerves are part of the Central Nervous System
    False, it is a part of the Peripheral Nervous System
  • This is the part of the brain that controls memory, feelings and decision making.
  • The receptors in the ears are found in the...
  • The central nervous system is divided into to parts...
    Brain and Spinal cord
  • These joints in the spinal cord allow movement with support
    Semi-Flexible joints
  • What do you call the part of the neurons that are often the receptors of the sense organs?
  • What do you call the muscles that are attached to the bones?
    Skeletal Muscles
  • These neurons carry signal from receptors to the Central Nervous system
    Sensory Neurons
  • The smallest part of the nervous system are called...
  • Muscles in the hollow organs in our body are called...
    Smooth muscles
  • These neurons carries signal from the nervous system to the effectors
    Motor Neurons
  • What is the most important part of the nervous system?
  • "Gustatory" is the nerve for what sense?
    Sense of Taste
  • What neurons carry signal between the brain and spinal cord?
  • What do you call the stimulus of the sense of sight?
    Reflected light
  • The stimuli in the sense of hearing are the...
    Sound Waves