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  • What colour is her hair?
    She has got blonde hair.
  • What does the word features mean?
    Part of someone's appearance.
  • What colour eyes does he have?
    He has got blue eyes.
  • Is this sentence correct? She have long hair.
    No! She has got long hair.
  • Is this sentence correct? You have got red hair.
  • Is this sentence correct? He have got brown hair.
    No! He has got brown hair.
  • What is a synonym for beautiful?
  • What does good-looking mean?
    Handsome, pretty, beautiful.
  • Am I tall?
    Yes, you are tall.
  • Is the boy old?
    No, the boy is not old. The boy is young.
  • What is the opposite of thin?
  • What is the opposite of light?
  • Does she have straight hair?
    No, she does not have straight hair.