
be going to

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  • What is she going to do next Monday?
    She is going to play soccer next Monday.
  • When are you going to buy a bike? (明天)
    I am going to buy a bike tomorrow.
  • What was wrong with your brother?
    He was bored.
  • Is his dress more beautiful than your dress? (No)
    No, it isn't. His dress isn't more beautiful than my dress.
  • When is he going to meet a friend? (一小時後)
    He is going to meet a friend in an hour.
  • When are you going to study math? (十分鐘後)
    I am going to study math in ten minutes.
  • What was wrong with she?
    She was ill.
  • When is she going to go to Japan? (下星期六)
    She is going to go to Japan next Saturday.
  • What is he going to do tomorrow?
    He is going to ride a bike tomorrow.
  • 我妹妹的車子比我的車子更貴
    My sister's car is more expensive than my car.
  • Is math more difficult than English? (Yes)
    Yes, math is more difficult than English.
  • When is she going to take art class? (一個月後)
    She is going to take art class in a(one) month.
  • What was wrong with you?
    I was nervous.
  • What are you going to do tomorrow?
    I am going to visit my grandma tomorrow.
  • What was wrong with your friends?
    They were excited.
  • Is Jason cuter than your friend? (Yes)
    Yes, he is. Jason is cuter than my friend.
  • What is he going to do tomorrow?
    He is going to see a dentist tomorrow.
  • What was wrong with he?
    He was nervous.
  • What is she going to do tomorrow?
    She is going to see a movie tomorrow.
  • What is  she  going to do tomorrow?
    She is going to play tennis tomorrow.
  • What was wring with your sisters?
    They were ill.
  • What was wrong with Anna?
    She was excited.
  • What is he going to do next Sunday?
    He is going to mail a letter next Sunday.
  • What was wrong with the students?
    They were bored.
  • Is your lunch more delicious than his lunch? (No)
    No, it isn't. My lunch isn't more delicious than his lunch.
  • When is he going to go to the cyber café? (一週後)
    He is going to go to the cyber café in a(one) week.
  • What are you going to do tomorrow?
    I am going to go to the park tomorrow.
  • Sam的書比Tom的書更有趣
    Sam's book is more interesting than Tom's book.
  • When is she going to go to Canada? (兩年後)
    She is going to go to Canada in two years.
  • What was wrong with your mom?
    She was tired.
  • Is the novel more interesting than the newspaper? (Yes)
    Yes, it is. The novel is more interesting than the newspaper.
  • When is he going to watch a baseball game? (兩天後)
    He is going to watch a baseball game in two days.
  • Is the elephant faster than the turtle? (Yes)
    Yes, it is. The elephant is faster than the turtle.
  • Is the bird lighter than the feather? (No)
    No, it isn't. The bird isn't lighter than the feather?
  • Are you taller than Tom? (No)
    No, I'm not. I am not taller than Tom.
  • Is his car more expensive than you car? (Yes)
    Yes, it is. His car is more expensive than my car.
  • Is the panda stronger than the cat? (No)
    No, it isn't. The panda isn't stronger than the cat.
  • What was wrong with they?
    They were scared.
  • 我比你更漂亮
    I am more beautiful than you.
  • Amy的蛋糕比Mandy的蛋糕美味
    Amy's cake is more delicious than Mandy's cake.