
Food Quiz!

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  • Kiwis are native to China. True or False
  • M&M food dye is made from insects. True or False?
  • Ostraconophobia is the fear of Ostrich meat. True or False?
    False. It is the fear of shellfish.
  • One fast food burger can have meat from 100 different cows. True or False?
  • After water, beer is the most popular drink in the world. True or False?
    False. Coffee is the most popular drink in the world after water.
  • White chocolate contains solid cocoa. True or False?
    False. It contain cocoa butter and is not actually real chocolate.
  • Chocolate was used as currency. True or False?
  • Caesar salad was invented in France. True or False?
    False. It was invented in Mexico.
  • Avocados are fruits. True or False?
  • Garlic bread originated in Italy. True or False?
    False. It originated in the U.S.A.