
Bible Brain Blaster: Genesis Chapters 42 through ...

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  • True or false? When Joseph first saw his brothers, he accused them of being robbers and trying to steal from villages.
    False. Joseph accused them of being spies.
  • Jacob learned that his family could find grain in what country?
  • True or false? When Jacob’s sons first arrived in Egypt, Joseph recognized them and welcomed them with open arms and a feast.
    False: Joseph recognized his brothers but treated them harshly.
  • When Joseph's brothers brought grain home for the first time, who stayed behind as prisoner?
  • True or false? The Pharaoh told Joseph to tell his brothers to get their father and their families from Canaan and move to Egypt.
    True. Jacob's entire family moved to Egypt.
  • True or false? Jacob sent nine of his sons to find grain.
    False. Ten of Jacob’s sons went.
  • Joseph questioned his brothers about their father. Joseph wanted to know how many sons Jacob had. Did the brothers answer correctly?
    Yes, they did. They told Joseph twelve sons.
  • True or false? Joseph stayed near the grain storage area until Jacob arrived from Canaan.
    False. Joseph joyfully rode out to meet his father who he hadn't seen in many years.
  • Joseph had his men place his silver cup into a sack. Whose sack held the cup?
    Benjamin's sack
  • Jacob's family ran out of food again. The brothers made a second journey to Egypt. Which brother had to go with them?
  • True or false. On his brothers' second trip, Joseph could no longer control his emotions and told his brothers who he was.
    True. Joseph said, "I'm your brother... and do not be grieved or angry with yourselves, because you sold me here, for God sent me before you to preserve life."
  • True or false? On the brothers’ first trip to Egypt, Joseph put his brothers in jail for a week.
    False. Joseph put his brothers in jail for three days.
  • True or False? There was a famine, and people did not have enough food to eat.
    True. During a famine people starve.
  • True or false? Jacob's sons planned to pay for the grain by selling their youngest brother into slavery.
    False. The sons planned to pay for the grain with silver coins.
  • True or false? Joseph was the Pharaoh of Egypt.
    False. Joseph was the governor of Egypt, and his job was to sell grain to the people.