
Grade 5 - Midterm Revision

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  • Which country would you like to visit on your next vacation? Why?
    own answer
  • A _________ is a guess about what happened or what may happen.
  • Why is it important to help the house clean?
    own answer
  • If you are sick, it's best to do this.
    stay at home
  • Outlining is a form of note-taking. In an outline, use ___________ to show main ideas. Then use ___________ to show details.
    numbers/headings - bullet points
  • First you make snow into a ball, and then you do this.
    throw snowballs
  • Why is it good to learn how to do new things?
    own answer
  • Give examples of sequence words.
    First, Second, Next, Then, After that, Finally
  • What is your favorite season to go on vacation? Why?
    own answer
  • The _______ is the order that things happen.
  • If you had a robot to help you, what would you ask it to do?
    own answer
  • What holiday does your family celebrate?What do you do?
    own answer
  • Winter, spring, summer and fall are all this.
  • This is what you do after washing the plates.
    dry the dishes
  • How would you stop an animal or bird from eating your garden?
    own answer
  • You do this every few days to help plants grow.
    water the plants
  • _____________ tell a person how to do or make something.
  • You stress important words when you speak. This means you say them a little more _________.
  • You need to do this to send a present to a friend.
    mail a package
  • What chores do you hate doing? Why?
    own answer
  • Where is your favorite place to go on vacation? Why?
    own answer
  • Give 5 examples of outside chores
    own answer
  • What did you do on your last vacation?
    own answer
  • What chores do you enjoy doing? Why?
    own answer
  • Give 5 examples of inside chores
    own answer