
CAE - Formal vs Informal practice

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  • So, this is what’s gonna happen over the next six months.
    It's informal. Formal: I would like to inform you about the proposed changes due to take place over the coming months.
  • It is not clear why such terrible conditions were tolerated for so long.
    It's formal. Informal: I wonder why he put up with those absolutely terrible conditions for so long.
  • The project will be completed next year.
    It's formal. Informal: We’ll wrap up the job next year.
  • Please await instructions before dispatching items.
    It's formal. Informal: Don't send anything off until you're told so.
  • At first, he didn't want to, but in the end he put us up for the night.
    It's informal. Formal: Initially, he was reluctant, but eventually he offered us accommodation for the night.
  • He’ll have to do another five experiments because he hasn’t got enough info yet.
    It's informal. Formal: Five more experiments will be necessary as insufficient information has been gathered.
  • Hope this advice will be of some help to you.
    It's informal. Formal: I do wish this advice on / my assistance in this matter will be helpful.
  • Are you bananas?!
    It's informal. Formal: There are doubts concerning the sensibility of your decisions.
  • I completely sympathise with your predicament and I sincerely hope it will not happen again.
    It's formal. Informal: Really sorry about what happened. Hope it won’t happen again.
  • I showed that his arguments didn't hold water.
    It's informal. Formal: I have proven that his arguments are without foundation.
  • It’ll be great to see you again after so long!
    It's informal. Formal: It will be a pleasure to become reacquainted after this prolonged period of time.
  • I am afraid I am unable to perform such an action at the moment.
    It's formal. Informal: I can't do this right now- sorry!
  • If you don't get a move on with your work, you'll get the sack!
    It's informal. Formal: Unless visible progress is made, I am afraid you will be dismissed.
  • It is possible to consider these results from a different viewpoint.
    It's formal. Informal: We can look at this from a different angle.