
A2 KET Part 4 Questions

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  • Which is better doing things with 1 friend or with a group of friends? (Làm việc gì tốt hơn với 1 người bạn hay với một nhóm bạn?)
    I like doing things with _______ (1 friend) because __________.( 1 good friend is better than many fake friends) ....../ (a group of friends) because its fun)
  • How many students are there in your class? Có bao nhiêu học sinh trong lớp học của bạn?
    There are ____ students in my class. (20,30, 50)
  • What do you do after school? (Bạn làm gì sau giờ học?)
    I usually _____ after school (eat dinner/do homework/play games)
  • What do you buy when you are on holiday? (Bạn mua gì khi đi nghỉ?)
    I usually buy______ on holiday. (food/souvenir/clothes)
  • What are you going to do this evening? (Bạn sẽ làm gì vào buổi tối hôm nay?)
    I'm going to _________ this evening. (study/have dinner/sleep)
  • What do you usually do before dinner? (bạn thường làm gì trước bữa tối?)
    I usually ______ before dinner. (study/play/watch TV)
  • How do you travel when you go on holiday? (Làm thế nào để bạn đi du lịch khi bạn đi vào kỳ nghỉ?)
    I usually travel by ____ when I go on holiday. (bus/plane/ship/coach/motorbilke)
  • Would you like to try a new sport in the future? (Why/why not)
    (Yes/No) _____ because _______. (I think it is fun and good for my health/ I might be busier in the future)
  • Now, please tell me about something you did in your last holiday. (Bây giờ, xin vui lòng cho tôi biết về một cái gì đó bạn đã làm trong kỳ nghỉ cuối cùng của bạn.)
    Last holiday, I _______ (stayed at home/travelled) and _____ (what did you do?) with my ____ (with who?)
  • Which subjects do you study at school? (Bạn học những môn nào ở trường?)
    I study many subjects such as _______. (maths, science, english, PE)
  • How often do you go on holiday? (bạn có thường xuyên đi nghỉ không?)
    I have _____(ex. 2) holidays in a year ______ ( Tet Festival /Summer)
  • Which is better watching films on TV or in the Cinema? (Why/Why not) Xem phim trên TV hay trong rạp chiếu phim nào tốt hơn? (Tại sao tại sao không)
    I prefer watching films______ (on TV/ in the Cinema) because_______ (I don't have to spend money/ It's more memorable and exciting).
  • Do you like making new friends? (Why/Why not) Bạn có thích kết bạn mới không? (Tại sao tại sao không)
    ______(Yes) because_______ (It makes me happier and friends help us when we need help.) .../ _____(No) because ____(I don't trust people easily.)
  • Now, do you prefer watching sports or playing sports? (Bây giờ, bạn thích xem thể thao hay chơi thể thao hơn?)
    I prefer ______ (playing/watching) sports because______. (i want to be fit and healthy/it's too tiring)