
Harry Potter Trivia

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  • What year do Hogwarts students take their O.W.L.'s?
    5th year
  • What does Charlie Weasley do for a living after graduating Hogwarts?
    Studies dragons
  • What does Hagrid use to channel the pieces of his wand once it's been broken?
    A pink umbrella
  • Who is Harry's godfather?
    Sirius Black
  • In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, whose portrait replaces the Fat Lady after she is attacked?
    Sir Cadogan
  • Who is the first person to ever successfully break into Gringotts?
  • What is Hermione’s middle name?
  • Ginny Weasley bought a pet Pygmy Puff from her older brothers' joke shop. What did she name it?
  • Who anonymously sends Harry his father's Invisibility Cloak on Christmas?
  • What is James Potter's Marauder nickname?
  • What does Harry do with his winnings from the Triwizard Tournament?
    Gives it to the Weasley twins
  • Who does Bill Weasley marry?
    Fleur Delacour
  • How many staircases does Hogwarts have?
  • What potion gives good luck to those who drink it?
    Felix Felicis
  • Where is the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets hidden?
    The girls' bathroom
  • What is Ron's favorite Quidditch team?
    Chudley Cannons
  • What's the address of the Black family home?
    12 Grimmauld Place
  • What is the correct birth order of the Weasley children?
    Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred and George, Ron, Ginny
  • What is the name of Hagrid's dog?
  • Dumbledore has a scar above his left knee that is a perfect map of what?
    The London Underground
  • Which Weasley dies during the final battle of Hogwarts?
    Fred Weasley
  • What is the incantation to make something levitate?
    Wingardium Leviosa
  • What name does Buckbeak get after being saved from execution?
  • What is Voldemort's real name?
    Tom Marvolo Riddle
  • What kind of wood is Harry's first wand made out of?
  • What children's book contains the story of the Deathly Hallows?
    The Tales of Beedle the Bard