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  • What would Scrooge do to Bob Cratchit if he used another piece of coal?
    Scrooge would fire him
  • Scrooge does not donate money to the poor. Where does he donate to?
    The workhouses and prisons
  • On what day does the story take place?
    Christmas Eve
  • What does Scrooge ask Marley to do in hopes of embarrassing him?
    Asks him to sit down
  • What does Scrooge say to his nephew about happiness?
    You can't be happy if you're poor
  • Give me an adjective to describe Scrooge and explain your choice
  • Give me an adjective to describe Scrooge and explain your choice
  • What does Scrooge eat for dinner?
  • Do animals like Scrooge? How do you know?
    No - blind people's dogs pull their owners away!
  • What was Marley to Scrooge?
    His business partner/only friend
  • Two men arrive and ask Scrooge for what?
    To donate to the poor
  • What is the clerk's name?
    Bob Cratchit
  • What happens when Scrooge walks down the street?
    People avoid him
  • What word does Scrooge use to describe poor people?