
Victorian Era

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  • What revolution was happening at the time?
    Industrial revolution
  • The influx of workers meant that what had to happen?
    Lots of houses had to be built very quickly
  • In what year did Charles Dickens write 'A Christmas Carol'?
  • If you were a poor child, what would you have to do?
    Work in a farm or a factory
  • What was Charles Dickens' father sent to prison for?
  • Who ruled over England in the Victorian era?
    Queen Victoria
  • True or false: families were kept together in the workhouses
  • If there were a fashion show at the workhouse, how many outfits would you see?
    One (everyone got one uniform to wear for their entire stay)
  • What punishment was a fate almost as bad as death?
    The Treadmill
  • Workers moved from ________ to _________?
    From farms/countryside to the city
  • Where might you go if you were too poor to support yourself, but did not have any debts?
    The Workhouse
  • Define the word 'squalor'
    Extremely dirty and unpleasant, especially as a result of poverty or neglect
  • Name one thing in this image that contributed to people's poor health
  • How did Charles Dickens feel about the way poor people were treated in Victorian times?
  • Where would you have to go if you could not repay your debts?
  • (Think carefully!!) What might you say to your friend during a difficult task in the workhouse?
    Nothing! Workers were not allowed to speak to each other