
C1 Expressions

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  • To come on leaps and bounds
    To improve
  • To keep your head down.
    Don't draw attention to yourself / work hard and quietly
  • A rough diamond
    Somebody who has lots of good qualities but hasn't quite reached their potential yet
  • To let something slip.
    To stop doing something you should do / To accidentally tell a secret.
  • To hit the nail on the head
    To be completely correct
  • To be a dark horse
    To have more depth and surprising characteristics than you would imagine
  • To get your head around something.
    To understand
  • To smash it out of the park
    To do something perfectly.
  • To come out of your shell
    To stop being shy
  • To blossom.
    To reach your potential.
  • To be in two minds
    To be undecided
  • To miss by a whisker
    To miss by a small amount
  • To knuckle down.
    To work hard when necessary
  • To hone something
    To perfect something
  • To go places.
    To become successful.
  • A force to be reckoned with
    Someone you should take seriously
  • A safe bet.
    Something that is likely to succeed.
  • To be taken aback
    To be surprised
  • To be sharp as a tack.
    To be intelligent and have a quick mind.
  • To pull your finger out
    To start working hard after being lazy
  • To nit pick
    To be overly obsessed with small, unimportant details.