
Past Simple

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  • We sat together in class
    We didn't sit together in class
  • My teacher didn't teach me that
    My teacher taught me that
  • My friend slept over my house
    My friend didn't sleep over my house
  • We didn't sit together in class
    We sat together in class
  • I took my cellphone to school
    I didn't take my cellphone to school
  • I did my homework
    I didn't do my homework
  • I didn't eat pasta last night
    I ate pasta last night
  • My teacher taught me that
    My teacher didn't teach me that
  • My mom gave me a present
    My mom didn't give me a present
  • They didn't stand in line all day
    They stood in line all day
  • She went to the movie theater
    She didn't go to the movie theater
  • I saw my grandparents on sunday
    I didn't see my grandparents on sunday
  • I didn't do my homework
    I did my homework
  • I ate pizza yesterday
    I didn't eat pizza yesterday
  • I didn't take my cellphone to school
    I took my cellphone to school
  • He cried a lot during the movie
    He didn't cry during the movie