
Flyers Speaking Part 4

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  • Tell me about the food you eat at the weekend.
    (3 sentences) I usually eat _____(food: noodles/rice/fastfood burgers) _______(Where:at home/in the mall/at the park) with my ______(people: family/friends) at
  • How do you go to school?
    I go to school by _____(bus/bike/motorbike/car/helicopter)
  • When do you listen to music?
    I listen to music ______ (How many time? Example: everyday/once a week/twice in a day/almost every time)
  • What time do you wake up?
    I wake up at around ___o' clock at weekdays and ____ o'clock at the weekends.
  • What do you do first in the morning?
    I (activity: fix my beg, take a bath, eat breakfast)__________, _________, and ______ first in the morning.
  • Who do you live with?
    I live with my ___, ___, ___, and ____ .(mom/dad/brothers/sisters and grandparents)
  • What's your favorite place in your town?
    My favorite place in my town is _____ (Place: Park/Malls/Library). I like it because I can _____ there.
  • Where do you live?
    I live at ____(Street number: 19-21), _____(Street name:Le Anh Xuan Street), _____(City: Cao Lanh City), ______ (Province: Dong Thap Province)
  • Tell me about what you do in your City?
    I usually go to (Supermarket/Pagoda/Park) or I ____(name of activity example. eat/play/)
  • Tell me about your living room?
    My living room is_____ (large, medium size, small) . There are many things in it such as _______ , ______, and _____.(TV, sofa, pictures )
  • Which do you prefer loud music or quiet music?
    I prefer ____(example: loud music) because it make me become happy and lively. / I like ____ (quiet music) because I want to have a peaceful mind.
  • How many rooms are there in your house?
    There are ___ rooms in my house the ____, _____, _____, ____, and ____ . (living room, kitchen, dining room, toilet and 3 bedrooms)