
Deforestation Quiz

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  • Why do farmers cut down trees?
    Because farm animals are grazing animals, so they need large amounts of pasture (grass).
  • What is erosion?
    When soil goes away because of wind or rain
  • What is a drought?
    When there is little or no rainfall, so plants can't grow
  • How do trees help animals?
    They provide food and shelter
  • Trees help to create rain. What will happen if there are no more trees?
    Areas without trees will experience drought, and may eventually become deserts.
  • What should we do to stop deforestation?
    Stop supporting industries that use deforestation, stop cutting down trees, plant more trees instead
  • Why are trees important for life on earth?
    Trees create oxygen, which we breath, and also help to control the earth’s temperature
  • Why are the rainforests of Borneo known as the "lungs of Southeast Asia"?
    Because they help to clean the air in the region
  • When did deforestation begin in the Amazon?
    The 1960s
  • How do trees help humans?
    They provide food, shelter, tools, resources, clean air, beauty, etc.
  • What kind of things do we make with trees?
    Buildings, furniture and paper
  • What is deforestation?
    When people cut down trees, without planting new ones
  • How much has the Amazon reduced in the last 50 years?
  • What will happen to species if deforestation continues?
    Many species will go extinct
  • What are the main reasons for deforestation?
    Farming, urbanisation and industry
  • What will happen to the earth's temperature if there are no more trees?
    It will go up
  • In Borneo, which industry is mainly responsible for clearing forests?
    The palm-oil industry (also mining and logging)
  • How many orangutans have died in the last 16 years because of deforestation?
  • By 2050, what will happen to many species of plants and animals in the Amazon?
    They will be extinct
  • What do you think is the most important consequence of deforestation?