
Earth as an Island + Brainwaves

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  • America ______ fish sauce and rice from Vietnam.
  • Fix this sentence: Vietnam has many island.
    islands - countable noun
  • Students have ______ to books in the library.
  • Look at the picture and make a present continuous sentence FOR THE FUTURE.
  • Name three North American countries.
  • Draw longitude lines on the earth and write the direction it measures.
  • Finish this sentence: If you don't have anything nice to say....
    don't say anything at all.
  • The currency of Thailand is....
    THB - Thai Baht
  • Fix this sentence: I am use the compas to tell me the distance to go to skool!
    I am using the compass to tell me the direction to go to school.
  • Island is a countable noun.
  • We are a part of the BCIS _________.
  • My ankle injury _______ the way I played in the game last night.
  • The ________ between District 1 and District 7 is 1,000 kilometers.
  • Turn this present simple sentence into a negative: She studies French.
    She doesn't study French.
  • True or false: Longitude lines measure north to south.
    False, longitude lines measure east to west.
  • True or false? Affect is a noun and Effect is a verb.
    False! Affect - verb: The rain affected our plans to go to the park. Effect - noun: The effect of today's rain is that we canceled our day at the park.
  • Fix this sentence: Humans have the biggest _______ on the environment.
  • Vietnam is in the tropical zone, so our ______ is hot and rainy.
  • True or false: Beaches, waterfalls, and cliffs are natural features.
  • True or false: A mountain is a man made feature.
    False, a mountain is a natural feature.
  • Nha Trang is on the _____ of Vietnam.
  • True or False? For present simple, se had +es to words that end with -y.
    False! We ad +es to verbs that end with -ch, -sh, -x, -o, -zz.
  • Name all 7 continents (lục địa).
    Asia, Africa, Antarctica, North America, South America, Australia, Europe
  • The effects of _______ can be good and bad; it brings in money to that country, but it also affects the environment in a negative way.
  • The population of America is smaller than the population in Argentina.
    False! The population of America is 329.50 million and the population of Argentina is 45.38 million.
  • Draw latitude lines on the globe and write which directions it measures.
  • The _____ of all of this noise is because BTS is at BCIS!!!!!
  • Draw a compass and the directions on the board.
  • Give me three examples of showing respect (kính trọng) to people and things.